Information about the business practices of company PROTEC (Complaints, botch, service, delivery delays, assessment)
If you have similar problems with the company PROTEC, please contact me - THANKS.
ADVERTISING of PROTEC on their own web page: Sale and installation of windows and doors of the highest quality standards.
The business presented itself as competent and reliable so we decided to order quite a few aluminum windows of the brand Technal.
It was promised to deliver the Alu windows in 3 weeks, but it took several month to deliver and even then one after the other.
The aluminum windows came on a transporter / van and were only fixed by ONE strap - without any wrapping for protection.
They were not correctly assembled.
Many crooked screws stuck out.
The windows were useless despite detailed consultation.
The color differences were clearly visible.
There is an immense risk of injury.
The complaints were accepted and nearly all the windows were picked up.
Followed by many months of discussions such as the junk could be repaired.
At the end 7 months had passed. Now PROTEC requests us to pay 90% of the full purchase price. Only after the payment PROTEC will deliver the windows again - whatever condition these were in! |
Detailed summary of the order of events (oldest first)
27.07.2011 we got the offer for the aluminum windows in the dressing room.
03.08.2011 we pay 742,50 euro as a deposit - the full order costs are 2475 Euro.
05.08.2011 the offer for the windows in the living room and the bedroom are 4907,18 Euro.
15.09.2011 PROTEC offered us to install the windows in all three rooms in two to three weeks if we immediately pay an amount 1593,71 Euro. We therefore pay the 1593,71 Euro as fast as possible.
14.11.2011 Delivery of the aluminum windows in the dressing room:
The windows came on a pickup truck and were only fixed by ONE strap - without any wrapping for protection.
Accordingly the window profiles were irreparable damaged.
The supply contained only the window frames - without glass and appointed fly screens / mosquito.
It also lacked the multi-piece side members.
Outer frame and window frame have extremely different colors.
The window profiles were round not as ordered square.
The dimensions of the windows stated by PROTEC itself were not precise. That is the reason why the calculated length of window ledges were to short and the window ledges of stainless steel were not fitting!
In December 2011 the aluminum window of the living room was delivered:
The fly screen / mosquito was screwed to the window frame NOT as agreed upon easily to hang in and out. Now it is impossible to enter the room behind, which should have been upgraded soon.
The window frame was scratched and it was the wrong fly screen was installed.
The window profile was round not as ordered square.
The supply contained only the window frames - without glass and after our complaints they took the frames along and left.
In mid-December the aluminum windows of the bedroom were delivered:
On the frames were newly incurred scratches and old ones which they have tryed to correct.
The fly screens / mosquito had the wrong color.
There were aluminum hooked shavings in the fly screen / mosquito.
The aluminum shavings also fell from the window, because they were hidden anywhere in it.
The fly screens were attached to the frame in irregular distance by Spax screws. The screws were not as usually counter-sunk and covered by a cap.
Many screws were crooked and stuck out of the frame.
The fly screens were not properly tightened.
The window handle was damaged.
The corners were not properly screwed together and therefore the edges were sharp as a razor.
The glasses of the windows were still missing.
The window profile was round not as ordered square.
If you screw off the fly screen, individual frame parts will fall off and the whole fly screen will collapses.
The windows were picked up for repair, but were never redelivered / returned and installed./ fitted.
It was not delivered in full.
Everything was delivered faulty, damaged or not at all.
Instead of three weeks delivery time it is now 7 month later and nothing is done.
PROTEC claims in contrary to contract 90% of the purchase price, BEFORE they are willing to do anything.
Even though more than the declared deposit was paid and the rest of the purchase price should be due after the completion and proper delivery.
Several times we talk all facts over with the business manager mister André Jensen, whose only argument for the advance payment was not wanting to invest any more money.
We even offered to let the remaining sum be hold in trust.
Windows of dressing room

A part of the windows of the bedroom

If you have similar problems with the company PROTEC, please contact me - THANKS.
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